Datalogic Gryphon GD4130-HC 条码扫描器
添加时间:2019-07-03 00:24:12
添加时间:2019-07-03 00:24:12
Gryphon I GD4100-HC通用有线手持线性影像条形码阅读器With rich feature sets and extensive model options, the Gryphon? product series from Datalogic ADC represents the premium level of data collection equipment for general purpose applications. The Gryphon linear imaging readers provide advanced reading performance and decoding for a wide variety of applications and is perfectly suitable for healthcare environments.The Gryphon I GD4100 readers’ ability to capture bar codes from near contact to over 1.0 m / 3.9 ft increases productivity and improves ergonomics for users.The Gryphon I GD4100-HC reader includes the patented Datalogic ‘Green Spot’ for good read/perfect match feedback, ideal for situations where the perfect match can offer a simple, additional tool to avoid errors. The Green Spot, combined with fast reading and decoding capabilities makes the Gryphon I GD4100-HC readers the best choice to improve productivity in hospitals, laboratories and pharmacies.The GD4100-HC models have an industry sealing rating of IP52 to protect sensitive electronic components from contact with dust and liquids. Sanitized plastics offer additional protection from routine cleaning and disinfection from specialized cleaning solutions used by the healthcare industry. Products withstand repeated drops from 1.5 m / 5.0 ft. to ensure uninterrupted activity despite the inevitable accidental drops and rough handling.Standard multi-interface capabilities include USB, RS-232, Keyboard Wedge and Wand. The Datalogic Aladdin? configurator provides user-friendly features that simplify the start-up procedure, even for inexperienced users.译码能力
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