
添加时间:2021-04-23 19:09:44


添加时间:2021-04-23 19:09:44



  • 品牌: 得利捷

  • 颜色分类: RS232 USB

  • 适用场景: 商用收银

Magellan™ 1100i全向显示扫描器是适用于各种应用的高性能和多功能的数据采集工具。Magellan 1100i 阅读器的 DATALOGIC得利捷 Illumix™ 智能照明技术优化了亮度级别以自动捕捉图像并读取移动电话、PDA 或电脑显示屏中的条码。

Magellan™ 1100i 显示扫描器是适用于各种应用的高性能和多功能的数据采集工具。它使用了DATALOGIC新的数字成像技术,可提供直观、快速读取1D和2D条码的性能,并支持如图像采集和EAS标签失效等功能。一种外部阅读指示器 (ERI) 使 Magellan 1100i 阅读器能与其他第三方 RFID 或EAS系统整合,提供一种真正“面向未来”的解决办法。Magellan 1100i 阅读器的 DATALOGIC得利捷 Illumix™ 智能照明技术优化了亮度级别以自动捕捉图像并读取移动电话、PDA 或电脑显示屏中的条码。Datalogic 拥有获得有效阅读指示器,可通过投射可见的绿点到刚读取的条码上来提高用户反馈。这种附加的视觉反馈使它在嘈杂的零售应用环境和需要无声读取的医疗应用或图书馆应用环境中使用方便。Green Spot 也可用于从一组条码中挑出单个条码或定位阅读区内的单个代码。


Magellan 1100i, Kit, RS-232 Scanner, Button w/Targeting Green Spot, 2D Decoding, Riser Stand, Power Supply (US), RS-232 DB9 2 m Cable, Black (Kit includes Scanner, Stand, Power Supply and Cable.) MG112010-101-106B
Magellan 1100i, Kit, RS-232 Scanner, Button w/Targeting Green Spot, Riser Stand, Power Supply (US), RS-232 DB9 2 m Cable, Black (Kit includes Scanner, Stand, Power Supply and Cable.) MG112010-101-106
Magellan 1100i, Kit, USB HID KB Scanner, Button w/Targeting Green Spot, 2D Decoding, Riser Stand, USB 2 m Cable, Grey (Kit includes Scanner, Stand and Cable.) MG113041-002-412B
Magellan 1100i, Kit, USB Scanner, Button w/Targeting Green Spot, 2D Decoding, Riser Stand, USB 2 m Cable, Black (Kit includes Scanner, Stand and Cable.) MG112041-001-412B
Magellan 1100i, Kit, USB Scanner, Button w/Targeting Green Spot, Riser Stand, USB 2 m Cable, Black (Kit includes Scanner, Stand and Cable.) MG112041-001-412
Magellan 1100i, Scanner, Multi-Interface, Button w/Targeting Green Spot, 2D Decoding, Grey (Required Cable and/or Power Supply Sold Separately.) MG113010-000B
Magellan 1100i, Scanner, Multi-Interface, Button w/Targeting Green Spot, 2D Decoding, Black (Required Cable and/or Power Supply Sold Separately.) MG112010-000B
Magellan 1100i, Scanner, Multi-Interface, Button w/Targeting Green Spot, Black (Required Cable and/or Power Supply Sold Separately.) MG112010-000
Magellan 1100i, Scanner, Multi-Interface, Button w/Targeting Green Spot, Grey (Required Cable and/or Power Supply Sold Separately.) MG113010-000
Magellan 1100i, Scanner, Multi-Interface, No Button, 2D Decoding, Black (Required Cable and/or Power Supply Sold Separately.) MG110010-000B
Magellan 1100i, Scanner, Multi-Interface, No Button, 2D Decoding, Grey (Required Cable and/or Power Supply Sold Separately.) MG111010-000B
Magellan 1100i, Scanner, Multi-Interface, No Button, Black,RS232 Config (Required Cable and/or Power Supply Sold Separately.) MG110010-000
Magellan 1100i, Scanner, Multi-Interface, No Button, Grey,RS232 Config(Required Cable and/or Power Supply Sold Separately.) MG111010-000

noet 自定义字段

地 址:中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区平港路883-885号1幢


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